Friday, February 4, 2011

Official First Day of Physics

Changing my timetables for semester 2 was a bit intimidating because I had already gotten used to all my other classes, but it was like a start of a new adventure.
Today in Physics we did our first group activity. First, as a small group we found out how an energy ball worked and answered a few questions.Then, as a class, we briefly discussed about circuits and how circuits work. The two types of circuits we talked about today were parallel and series. I enjoyed this class because of sitting and writing notes, we got to interact with people in our class. I was sort of confused at times, but because we were talking it over as a class, some of the input by my classmates answered my questions. Experimenting with the energy ball was an interesting activity.Who knew that the ball that was shaped and looked like a ping pong ball with a slight touch on both metal contacts, could make the energy ball flash and hum like that.

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