Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Favourite Roller Coaster Design.

This summer, I managed to conquer my fear of heights... well sort of.

When I was younger I thought that I was so brave because I went on Taxi Jam at Wonderland, but as I got older, I realized that it was not a roller coaster, but a kid's ride. The actual roller coasters were much higher and much scarier. Having a fear of heights, I tried my best to stay away from roller coasters.

Not until this year, did I get a season's pass and go on most of the rides at Wonderland.  My greatest fear was Behemoth. Often when we drove past Wonderland on the highway I would see Behemoth, its eye-catching colours and the track with the incredibly high drop.

 On my second trip to Wonderland, I managed to half force myself onto the ride. I say half force because in a way I was curious just how scary the ride could be. It was dark already so on the ride I really couldn't see anything at all. The second time I rode Behemoth, I had my eyes wide open because I wanted to see everything. The worst and best part of the design would be the first drop. Another thing I love about the design of Behemoth are the multiple drops and the amazing height. The large curve is also another reason why this design is my favourite. At night, there are lights along the ride makes it nice as well. One of my friends told the reason why the seats are positioned the way they are is so that everyone on the ride can have a good view of everything during the ride. Basically... I love the design of this roller coaster. (:

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