Tuesday, March 15, 2011

physics lab number 1.

We were given the task in Physics to work with motion detectors and a program called Logger Pro to experiment on motion. This was our first lab for kinematics and although it was pretty challenging it was fun at the same time. It was difficult at first trying to learn how to move in certain ways and at certain times to match the given graph. After a while we got the hang of it and soon we had fun each taking turns to match the graph. The two types of graphs we were told to match were distance/time and velocity/time graphs. The distance/time graphs were easy for me, but understanding how to match the velocity/time graphs was a bit challenging. It was definitely an interesting lab and it was easier to grasp the concepts of these graphs and how to read them but doing them in person instead of just reading a textbook.

Above, is the graph that i walked for the distance/time graphs. The first time i did this graph i was a lot closer at the beginning but sadly, i didn't pay enough attention and walked the wrong way. As well, i learned that the slightest movements during the lab could change the graph by a lot.

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