Tuesday, March 15, 2011

physics lab number 1 graphs + translations.

Graph 1B (taken from Cindy's group)

1) Start at 1m and stay static for 1s
2) Walk 1.5m in 2s away from the origin, a velocity of 0.75 m/s
3) Stay static at 2.5m for 3s
4) Walk 0.75m in 1.4s towards the origin, a velocity of 0.54m/s
5) Stay static at 1.75m for 2.5s

Graph 1C
1) Start at 3m and walk 1.5m in 3s towards the origin, a velocity of 0.5 m/s
2) Stay static at 1.5m for 1s
3) Walk (faster) 1m in 1s towards the origin, a velocity of 1m/s
4) Stay static at 0.5m for 2s
5) Walk (faster) 2.5m in 3s away from the origin, a velocity of 0.83m/s

Graph 1D 

1) Stay static for 2s
2) Walk away from origin at a velocity of 0.5m/s for 3s
3) Stay static for 2s
4) Walk towards the origin at a velocity of 0.5m/s for 3s 

Graph 1E 

1) Increase your speed away from the origin at 0.5m/s in 4s
2) Keep moving away from the origin at 0.5m/s for 2s
3) Move at a constant velocity of 0.4m/s for 3s
4) Stop moving and stay static for 1s


Graph 1F

1) Start at 0.8m and walk 1m in 3.4s away from the origin, a velocity of 0.29m/s
2) Stay static for 3.3s at 1.8m
3) Walk 1.4m in 3.3s away from the origin

Lab result graphs from Timothy. (:

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