Sunday, February 20, 2011


Ten Important Things About Electricity

1) Difference between a Conventional Current vs. Electron Flow
Conventional current: movement of positive charge flow where the flow travels from the positive terminal to the negative.
Electron Flow: movement of electrons from the negative to positive terminal and the negatively charged electrons are repelling each other.
2) Current
Current is represented by (I) and is the rate of  charge flow and is measured in Amperes (A). 
It is calculated by dividing Charge (Q) by Time (t) in seconds. ---> I= Q/t
Charge is represented by Q and is the total amount of charge moving past a point in a conductor and is measured in Coulombs (C).

3) Voltage
Voltage is represented by (V) and it is the electric potential energy for each coulomb of charge in a circuit. Another name for Voltage is electric potential difference. It is measured in volts (V). 
It is calculated by dividing Energy (E) by Charge (Q). ---> V= E/Q or V= W/Q
(E) is energy required to increase the electric potential of a charge and it is measured in Joules.

4) Energy
The energy delievered to a load depends on the potential energy by charge and the rate of the charge that is being delivered (current).
Energy transferred by charge flow is calculated by : E= VIt (Voltage*Current*time)

5) Measurement using a Anmeter and Voltmeter
An anmeter is a device that measures current (I) and it must be wired so that all current flows through it. This anmeter should be a exceptional conductor so that no energy is lost. It must be wired in Series with the Circuit.
A voltmeter is a device that measures Voltage (V)which is the potential difference between any two points. The voltmeter, unlike the anmeter should be a poor conductor and have a high resistance so that it is less than the load it is connected to so that the measurement by the voltmeter directs less of a current from the circuit it is connected to. The Voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the load (before and after).
6) Ohm's Law
The measurement of the opposition of flow is called resistance. Resistance is represented by (R) and is measured in Ohms. It is the relationship that connects Current, Voltage, Resistance, and Power. It can be calculated according to a pyramid chart.
where R= V/I, V= IR, I= V/R

7) Kirchhoff's Law
*This law applies to both series and parallel circuits.
i. Current Law states that the total current flowing into a connection equals total current flowing out a connection.

ii. Voltage Law states that the algebraic sum of the potential differences around a closed pathway equal zero.

8) Series and Parallel Circuits
In a Series Circuit, charge flows along one path. The equations for a series circuit are:
I total = I1=I2=I3=...In
V total = V1+V2+V3+...Vn
R total = R1+R2+R3+...Rn

In a Parallel Circuit, charge flow along two or more paths. The equations for a parallel circuit are:
I total = I1+I2+I3+...In
V total = V2=V2=V3=...Vn
1/R total = 1/R1+ 1/R2+ 1/R3+ ...1/Rn

9) Power ( watts)
P=IV , P=V2R, P=I2R
Cost: P (in kW). t(hours). cost rate

10) Energy ( joules)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ohm's and Kirkenoff's Law

Ohm's Law

This law explains the relationships between Resistance (R), Current (I), Power (P), Voltage (V).
Resistance (R) is measured in Ohms. Resistance along a conductor depends on 4 things, length, cross-sectional area, the material is is made of, and it's temperature.
It states that in a conductor, the direct current (I) that flows between its ends are proportional to the potential difference (V). The amount of voltage (potential difference) and the current are proportional as long as certain variables are controlled, such as temperature. For a certain voltage, is there is a higher resistance, there will be a lower current flow.
A formula that is used for Ohm's is: Resistance (R) = Voltage (V)/Current (I)
There is 1 ohm of resistance when 1 ampere of current that has 1 voltage flows through a resistor.
With this triangle, you can simply find the formula you need.

Kirchoff's' Laws

Kirchoff''s current law (textbook) : The total amount of current into a junction point of a circuit equals the total current that flows out of that same junction.


Kirchoff''s voltage law (textbook) : The total of all electrical potential decreases in any complete circuit loop is equal to any potential increases in that circuit loop.
The total voltage lost through the circuit is equal to the original total voltage.

For a Series Circuit:
IT= I1= I2= I3= I4=...IN
VT= V1 +V2+V3+ V4+...VN
RT= R1+R2+R3+R4+...RN

For a Parallel Circuit:
IT= IT+I1+I2+I3+I4+...IN
VT= V1= V2= V3= V4=...VN
RT= 1/R1+ 1/R2 + 1/R3+ 1/R4+...1/RN

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Favourite Roller Coaster Design.

This summer, I managed to conquer my fear of heights... well sort of.

When I was younger I thought that I was so brave because I went on Taxi Jam at Wonderland, but as I got older, I realized that it was not a roller coaster, but a kid's ride. The actual roller coasters were much higher and much scarier. Having a fear of heights, I tried my best to stay away from roller coasters.

Not until this year, did I get a season's pass and go on most of the rides at Wonderland.  My greatest fear was Behemoth. Often when we drove past Wonderland on the highway I would see Behemoth, its eye-catching colours and the track with the incredibly high drop.

 On my second trip to Wonderland, I managed to half force myself onto the ride. I say half force because in a way I was curious just how scary the ride could be. It was dark already so on the ride I really couldn't see anything at all. The second time I rode Behemoth, I had my eyes wide open because I wanted to see everything. The worst and best part of the design would be the first drop. Another thing I love about the design of Behemoth are the multiple drops and the amazing height. The large curve is also another reason why this design is my favourite. At night, there are lights along the ride makes it nice as well. One of my friends told the reason why the seats are positioned the way they are is so that everyone on the ride can have a good view of everything during the ride. Basically... I love the design of this roller coaster. (:

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Energy Transformation from a Battery to a Circuit

Electron Flow

In a simple circuit, you will find a battery (power supply), wires (conductor), and a light bulb (load).  . Normally, on the battery you will find the positive terminal on top and negative on the bottom. Wire that is attached the positive terminal is attached the the bottom of the light bulb and wire attached to the negative terminal is attached the side. With these wires connected to the battery, this creates a circuit.

Chemical energy is stored in a battery, and when this battery is attached to a circuit, the chemicals within it react. This process happens only when there is a circuit and when the electrons begin to flow. The charged electrons start out from the negative terminal and flow into the wire towards the light bulb and out because they are attracted to the positive terminal. A current is produced as the electrons make their way through the circuit.

The continuous flow of electrons into the light bulb cause it to produce light and heat. On the way to the positive terminal the electrons lose electric voltage. Once the electrons not as charged as they once were complete the circuit and reach the positive terminal they are once again recharged. The electrons travel back to the negative terminal where their electric potential and goes back to how it was normally. The electrons will  then complete the circuit again and again in the same process.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Official First Day of Physics

Changing my timetables for semester 2 was a bit intimidating because I had already gotten used to all my other classes, but it was like a start of a new adventure.
Today in Physics we did our first group activity. First, as a small group we found out how an energy ball worked and answered a few questions.Then, as a class, we briefly discussed about circuits and how circuits work. The two types of circuits we talked about today were parallel and series. I enjoyed this class because of sitting and writing notes, we got to interact with people in our class. I was sort of confused at times, but because we were talking it over as a class, some of the input by my classmates answered my questions. Experimenting with the energy ball was an interesting activity.Who knew that the ball that was shaped and looked like a ping pong ball with a slight touch on both metal contacts, could make the energy ball flash and hum like that.